Well-being matters
The wellbeing of our students, staff, and families is of utmost importance to us. We offer different levels of support for every member of our community. We believe that everyone should be able to be happy, healthy, and successful.
Our students are part of a pastoral team that consists of their Tutor and Head of Year. The students and parents may reach out to either of these key roles at any time with concerns.
If we believe a student requires more support for their stress, anxiety, friendships, etc., they may be referred to the whole school counsellor. Parents and students can also contact the whole school counsellor at any time by email with questions or concerns.
For more information regarding our policies, confidentiality, safeguarding, bullying, definitions of mental health and wellbeing, and Brunei mental health resources, please click on this link: Mental Health and Wellness Policy
Key Contacts
Deputy Head Pastoral: Ms Ai ling Wong
School counsellor: counsellor@ac.isb.edu.bn
ISB is dedicated to creating a secure and supportive environment where our students can flourish and reach their full potential while being safeguarded from any potential harm. This collective effort represents the commitment of our entire school community. ISB is committed to safeguarding its stakeholders and ensuring safe recruitment practices through safeguarding checks to ensure that all ISB employees and associates are safe to work with children.
Safeguarding Team and contacts

Attendance and Punctuality
Attendance and punctuality are critical for well-being, learning and success.
All students should aim to be in school at least 96% of the time.
We only have 180 school days. All parents must keep to our school calendar.
If your child is unwell or absent on a day for any reason then you must contact:
Any other request for absence such as for an 'extended holiday' or for 'compassionate' reasons must be requested and approved via the Head of Year.