Digital Citizenship
Here at ISB we are a BYOD school where students from Yr 5 to 13 are required to bring their own device.
Click on the button below for more details:
ISB uses a blended approach to device use, whereby students will experience lessons with interactive use on devices, devices being used for accessing shared resources and lessons where there is little or no device use. This ensures that students are not exposed to too much screen time and still maintain their handwriting skills.
Your Child & their BYOD Device
The IT Department are here to help your child, if they need software installing or if they need a temporary device to use.
Should your child's device be in need of repair, laptops are available for loan on a daily basis, for up to 2 weeks.
However if replacing or repairing the device takes longer, we can loan a laptop. To be eligible, you will need to agree and sign the Rental Agreement, and charges are $2 per day or $10 per week.
Click on the buttons to view a copy of the rental form and Borrowing Policy:
Digital Citizenship
Promoting digital citizenship activities in school is a crucial step in preparing students for the digital age. These activities empower students to become responsible, ethical, and safe users of technology, both in and out of the classroom. At ISB, we are committed to cultivating these skills and knowledge both inside and outside of the classroom.
Digital Citizenship lessons are explicitly taught through GLS/PSHE and Computer Science Lessons.
The school follows the curriculum developed by CommonSense Media, which also has additional resources for parents.
Following the Digital Citizenship Framework (WeForum)

As part of being a digital citizen, it is important that students behaviour online and device use is appropriate and ethical.
On admissions, all parents/students sign the Acceptable Use Policy. The purpose of this policy is to clarfiy what behaviour ISB considers inappropriate and the consequences
In addition, students should also follow the Social Media Policy, with the aim of students being safe online.
Outside the Classroom
Our Tech Leaders (Student Tech group chaired by Year 12 students) are proactive advocates for the responsible use of digital technologies, playing a crucial role in imparting the skills essential for the future. They encourage participation in events such as coding & typing competitions, Hour of Code and have led the e-waste movement.
Tech Leaders, had another successful e-waste collection:

In addition, the school participates in Internet Safety Day where students lead an assembly and run lunchtime activities. In 2024 the theme was “Together for a better internet”. Are you ready for next year's event?
For more information: Safer Internet Day Website​​
Check Out the student's Safer Internet Day
ICT & Home

We listened to your concerns regarding your child and their online behaviour and now host an annual Digital Citizenship Parent Workshop. If you missed this, year's session, click on the link below for a copy of the presentation

Library of Digital Citizenship Posters
Digital Citizenship Posters from: National Online Safety
AI & Your Child's Learning
Since 2022, AI has been a disrupter to education, with potential for student's to work and research more efficiently as well as being used inappropriately to replace their learning.
Students will be learning about AI and how it works in Computer Science Lessons as well as learning how to use it in their learning through GLS/PSHE and Computer Science.
Below are two key documents:
1. The Do's and Don'ts of Using AI
2. AI and Plagiarism