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Meet the Tutors Session QnAs



Mock Examination is schedule at ISB in Mid-January.

  1. How many percentages of the mock result will be used as evidence to be submitted in May if the actual examination is cancelled?

  2. Many parents are quite worried about their child's condition, which is a bit anxious because their teacher told them they need to be prepared for a mock exam. After all, the results may later be used as evidence. However, isn’t this exam too early as the students don’t feel confident with visually presenting the learning? Is this examination possible to postpone when students start studying in a regular school instead of learning virtually?

  1. We don’t have any information from the exam boards at present on procedures that we have to follow if May/June exams are cancelled.

  2. We will continue to evaluate our current timeframes based on information that comes from the MoH and MoE about lockdown extensions. We will be in contact with parents regularly throughout the process and will ensure that everyone is kept up to date.

​As parents, they find that Edulink provides a good platform for them to monitor their child’s homework.  Can it be enabled now?

Is it possible for teachers to post information on assignment deadlines and test dates on Edulink as done previously in virtual school?  Parents would like to be able to see when their son or daughter has important deadlines and Edulink easier to check than lots of emails.

We are not currently setting homework during virtual school. We are investigating ways to give parents greater insight into our virtual school systems. We will update all parents as soon as possible and offer training to support understanding.

They would like to know whether there is a timetable for them to refer to with regard to the live and independent lesson for all the subjects.  At the moment, they feel very uneasy when their child is not online doing work.

At this point, schedules of live lessons and independent tasks are held within M’Soft Teams for students. Parents can’t access these schedules, but we are investigating potential solutions. We encourage all parents to regularly discuss school work with their children so that they have a greater understanding of tasks and processes.

​Some parents are asking if their son/daughter could get extra maths work.

​Parents are welcome to contact the teachers of their children through EduLink if they have any questions.

​Maths - Graphic Calculators ordered at the end of Year 9. Have they arrived and when can students collect them?

​Graphic Display Calculators have recently arrived at ISB for students who ordered them at the end of last year. We will be setting up a collection process very soon.

​Some parents asked if there can be more non-screen based work, and I said that teachers are aware of this and are considering that option whenever possible.

​Teachers are blending live lessons, independent tasks and off-screen activities as much as possible. We will continue to evaluate our virtual systems to make sure that we are providing the best possible quality.

DOE. Is it possible to have a virtual session for students and parents to explain how the process will work during virtual school?

​Virtual sessions for students have already been organized. We will invite all parents to the first session so that everyone can be aware of how DoE will work during virtual school.

The first session for Bronze award students will be Tuesday 28st September at 2:15pm. The first session for Silver/Gold students will be Thursday 30th September at 2:15pm.

​When will parents and students receive information about IGCSE option blocks and option choices?

​IGCSE Option choices for current Year 9 students will be at the beginning of Term 3 (April 2022)

​Is it possible for students to come into school and collect text books for their subject to support them at home?

​We have electronic copies of all textbooks that students require. These copies are made available to students through our virtual systems. Students do not require paper-based textbooks to complete their virtual studies

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  Proudly created by ISB Secondary

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