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Head of Secondary Letter

RE: HoS letter 15.9.23

Thank you to all the parents and guardians who attended our Secondary workshop ‘Target setting, assessment and reporting’. The session aimed to explain how we assess student learning and what grades mean. The most important message from this workshop is for students to be aware of the assessment criteria and use this to inform their learning.

This workshop was preceded by another well-attended parent meeting for Year 7. This information meeting was about the Year 7 Outdoor Education trip to Miri. Parents found out about the aims of the trip, the activities involved, and the practicalities. Outdoor Education (OE) trips are a very important part of an ISB education. They support our students in terms of leadership, teamwork and developing skills from problem-solving to perseverance. The Year 7 trip builds on the OE trips in the Primary school and will lead to all students taking part in the prestigious Duke of Edinburgh International Award.

Our aim this year is to support all Year 10 students in taking part in a 4–5-day OE trip where they will complete an ‘adventurous journey’ that they will have to plan and execute. On this trip, students will need to demonstrate their ability to be independent and resourceful. They will need to set up a camp, cook, and then complete their journey by trekking, cycling, sailing, or any other main mode of travel.

Last year, we had a number of students who achieved the Silver and Gold DofE Awards and Ms. Ashley, our DofE coordinator, will be supporting more Year 11-13 students with these high-achieving awards this term. Not only do these awards support our students with the transferable skills that are needed for life, but they also count as CAS for IB and are globally valued by employers and universities.

Looking ahead, we will be looking at other parent workshops and meetings linked to learning, well-being, enrichment and ‘futures’. We will also be reviewing our school and secondary website and other means of communication. If you have any ideas related to this, then please add them to this simple feedback form for us to consider.

We will also be reviewing our provision of extra-curricular and enrichment activities for students and including student voice in this process so that we can support students with their passions and interests whether they are academic, sporting, creative or service-orientated.

For now, please do keep an eye out for parents' notices/in the loop, our calendar, our Facebook and Instagram news.

Have a restful weekend.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Peter R Jones

Head of Secondary

Please view formal copy of the letter below:

23-0030 HoS 15.9.23
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