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Parent's Q&A Session

Thank you for joining us in our parent question and answer sessions. If you have missed out on these session, you may find the list of questions and answers below.



​As I understand the school

provides exercise books for the children. Is there a way for us to collect that and use at home?

​We are unable to set up parent collections from campus at this point due to the covid-19 restrictions. If this changes in the future, we will look into ways students can acquire physical resources.

Will the school give my child a username and a password to access Edulink?

​All students now have their EduLink usernames and passwords. Some new students found that their EduLink timetables were blank, but all had pdf timetables to work from. We are aware of the EduLink issue and have worked to address this.

​ My child would be unsupervised

as I have to be at work. Will this

be a problem?

​We know that all our ISB students are very diligent and work very hard during virtual school, we are confident that they will be able to stay on task independently.

​①Are there books for all

subjects which child choose,

IGCSE course.

②Do maths have exercises for students.

​1. All subjects at ISB provide students with electronic resources, so paper-based textbooks are not required. Teachers will make sure that students have access to the learning resources they need to complete their courses.

2. Maths will provide exercises for students using a wide variety of sources including pdfs and online websites.

​Absence of textbooks and whether students can download learning materials:

​The majority of resources, including textbooks, are digital, and therefore all of those materials should be accessible in Teams or OneNote for either live lessons or independent work.

​Is there a centralized location for tasks?

  • ​Heads of Faculty are working together to ensure assignments are set in the most efficient manner for each subject area.

  • This should be on their Managebac/ Teams Calendar or their Team assignments page.

​Query about the buddy programme

New students, who will have been able to make contact with another student within their tutor group to make that connection with a returning student. If contact has not been made, please do inform HoY who can discuss with students and tutors.

​"On the EduLink timetable it would be useful to know which lessons are live and which independent task to mitigate the expectation for an invite"

  • Teacher should have set up recurring lessons and all invites should be via the Teams calendar.

  • Edulink is not a 'live' system, so the Teams calendar provide teachers the flexibility to keep students up to date with live lesson schedules, and adapt the sequence of lessons depending on what is best for their specific subject area.

​"Can you try to give the students more homework to check understanding the subjects"?

Following on from feedback from parents and students relating to virtual school in the past, we will not be giving students homework. We are mindful of the well-being of students, in terms of workload and screen time, and therefore we have introduced these virtual learning loops that includes live lessons and independent work.

​O level examinations in November status?

​At this point, we are hopeful that all November exams can go ahead as planned. We are in contact with the MoE (for O Level Malay exams) and the IBDP (for IBDP Malay exams) and once we receive any further information we will update all candidates and their parents.

​My child finds virtual school difficult.

  • It is important that he does not feel isolated and virtually socialize with his friends.

  • In terms with progress check with subject tutors HoY.

​CAS subject during lockdown

​The PreU team have plans in place to support students to develop CAS activities during virtual school. The GLS sessions on Thursday period 5 over the next couple of weeks will be used to communicate with students about CAS and other elements of the IBDP Core.

Can children borrow books from the library outside school hours?

​We will provide links to free online access to books for secondary students.

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